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780 781 [[3 columned table]] | When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. | | --- | --- | --- | | Jany 19th 1869 #9. | War Department John Potts. Ch. Clerk. 2 enclo. See W 31. Jany 19th Respectfully transmitted Col. Thos P Johnson. for North Carolina for printing $21.00 For compliance with par one of the regulations of War Dept. relative to advertising, Col Johnson has omitted to fill out the account and his certificate thereto as required. (thro office of A.C. of N.C.) Jany 25th Rec'd back with correction & returned. E B p. 277. Vol 5. Jany 29th Rec'd back with rept E B. P 83 Vol. 5. | Washington Jany 12th 1869. Returns accounts of Thos. P. Johnson. D.O. for North Carolina for printing $21.00. For compliance with par one of the regulations of War Dept. relative to advertising, Col. Johnson has omitted to fill out the account and his certificate thereto as required. | | Jany 16th 1869. #10 * | War Department Ed. Schriver. Insp Genl. See L.B Vol 5. Jany 16th 1869 File. | Washington Jany 13th 1869 Returns approved by the Secy of War, letter of 8th inst recommending the issue of clothing now on hand and the manufacture into garments of material on hand and its issue to destitute refugees & freedmen. | | Jany 18th 1869 #11. * | War Department John Potts. Ch. Clerk. File. Off. copy to C.Q.M. & D.O. | Washington Jany 13th 1869. States that the "American Union" of Macon Ga. has been place on advertising list vice "National Republican" of Augusta, Ga. discontinued. | | Jany 9th 1869 #12 * | War Department M. Schofield. Secy. File. | Washington Jany 6th 1869. returned approved letter of 6th inst. recommending the revocation of the app't. of E. A. Carter, and the app't. of J. W. Hilton as clerk &c | | Jany 11th 1869. #13. * | War Department John Potts. Ch. Clerk File. copies furnished C.D.O. & C.Q.M. | Washington Jany 9th 1869. States that the "Republican" a newspaper published at Springfield. Mass. has been placed on the advertising list of War Dep't. | | Jany 20th 1869 #14. * | War Department J.L. Rathbone A.D.C. 1 enclo. See L B Vol 5 Jany 20th 1869. file. | Washington Jany 19th 1869. Requests information regarding the measures that have been taken for the support of Colored Orphan Asylum at Charleston S.C: and what is the present condition of the children. | | Jany 22d 1869. #15. | War Department J.M. Schofield Secy. 4 enclo. Jany 22d Referred to A.C. of Miss. See E.Bp 276. Vol 5. Feby 1st Recd back with report E.Bp 286. Vol 5. | Washington Jany 1st 1869. Refers for action or report comn of Geo. W. Samsom requesting that the necessary correction be made in the papers which were returned for that purpose, conveying the Government Hospital buildings and all appertaining to them at Lauderdale, Station, Miss. to the Trustees of Orphan's Home at Lauderdale, Springs. Miss. Encloses letter of Benj. E. Greene and extract of letter of Judge McLelland. |