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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. | 
| --- | --- | --- | 

| Feby 3d 1869 #32. * | Ware James See T 39. File. See L.B. Vol 5. Feby 3d 1869. | Cleveland Tenn. Feby 1st 1869. Expresses his willingness to accept the position as Agent at that place. should he receive the appointment. |

| Feby 15th 1869. #33. * | War Department Geo. W. Schofield Col. See W. 203. Vol 13. File. See LB Vol 5. Feby 15" 1869. | Washington, Feby 13" 1869 Asks what action if any on the claim of Theodore De Hon for payment of certain articles taken from him by military authority. referred from War Dept some days since. |

| Feby 20th 1869. #34. * | War Department John Potts. Ch. Clerk. File. Copies furnished C.Q.M. & C.D.O. | Washington Feby 18th 1869. Reports that the "Daily Bulletin" Times" and "Conservative" published at Leavensworth, Kansas have been placed in the advertising list of the War Dept. |

| March 2nd 1869. #35 | Wood, 2nd Lt. W.W. 1st US Infy and A.C.S. March 2nd returned with the information that the request within referred to, was forwarded to Adjutant General's Office approved Feby 23rd 1869. |

| March 5 1869. #36 | Walker R.W. and others. March 6" Ret'd with the information that there is no asylum now in charge of the Bureau and all Hospitals will soon be closed. |  - 1869 States that the widow of the late Dr. De Hon est. A.A. Surg. is left without means of support and recommend that she be appointed Matron of some Asylum or Hospital, having proven herself eminently qualified for that duty. |

| March 6" 1869 #37 | Watts J.L. Attorney 1 enclo. March 8th. Referred to Asst. Comr. of Va. March 13th Rec'd back with report E.B. p 33, Vol 5. | Stanton, Va. March 4"1869. Encloses petition of James Williams for the recovery of his grandson James Williams Jr. who was illegally bound to J.H. McCue. States that he is cruelly treat and prays an investigation of the case. |

| March 8" 1869 #38 * | Whittlesey H.M. Chief Qr. Master. See C 7. March 8" Referred to C.D.O. for his information. Rec'd back Aug 4th/ 74 W.G.P. | Washington March 8th 1869. States that A.A. Surg. O.H. Crandall at Jacksonville, Miss, has rendered the proper accounts and returns, and recommend that his name be taken from the list of those whose payments have been suspended. |

| March 11th 1869 #39. | War Department. Jas. A. Hardie Inspt. Genl. See A 58. 3 enclo. March 10 Returned. E.B. p 321. Vol 5 March 16" Rec'd back with report. E.B. p. 333 Vol. 5. | Washington March 8" 1869. Refers request of Jno Randolph Asst. Clk. Court of Claims that information in the War Dept relating to the case of C.H. Howard late Col. 128 U.S.C.T. may be forwarded to his office, For copies of such orders, and for such information regarding the claim as may be in his knowledge. |