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794 795 [[3 columned table]] | When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. | | --- | --- | --- | | April 9th, 1869. #62 | War Department Jno Potts Ch. Clerk. April 9th Referred to C.D.O. | Washington April 8th 1869 States that the "Rocky Mountain Star" published at Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory has been placed on the advertising list of the War Dept. | |April 10th 1869 #63 | War Department W. Scott Ketchum, Genl. 1 encls April 12th Referred to C.D.O. for any information having passed. April 15th Rec'd back E.B. p364 Vol 5 April 16th Rec bk. E.B. p366 Vol 5 apt 26th Rec'd back with apt. EB p369 Vol 5. | Washington April 9th 1869. Refers Com'r. of Surgeon General U.S.A. enclosing list of deposits made by Capt. Wilder, at Norfolk. Va. with 1st National Bank in Dec 1866. Surgeon E.Y. Dewell at Little Rock. Ark. with Merchants National Bank, in January 1867. also by Surgeon C.A. Foster at New Orleans La. with U.S. Asst/ Treasurer in Oct. 1867. Asks how the deposits occurred and to what appropriation the money belonged. | | April 12th 1869. #64 * | Walker Susan Supt. of Indt. School. 1 encl. Filed | Washington April 10th 1869. Enclosed list of pupils (222) enrolled in Industrial School since last April, and makes a report of its workings and operations since its organization. | | April 9th 1869. #65. * | War Department Ed Schriver, Inspt. Genl. Filed see S.O. 53. April 12th 1869. | Washington April 8th 1869. Returns approved, letter of 5th inst. requesting appointment of E.W. Mason as Agent at $150 per mo. | | April 3d 1869 #66 * | War Department Ed Schriver. Insp Genl. 2 encls See L.B Vol 5. Apl 13th, 69 Filed | Washington April 7th 1869. Refers letter of Mayor Bowen requesting that the removal of Wisewell Barracks, be postponed till middle or last of June, for reasons stated. With remark. The Secy of War directs this request be complied with. The Com'r of Freedmen will report if there be any obstacle to it. | | April 8th 1869. #67. * | War Department John Potts, Ch. Clk Filed. Official copies furnished C.Q.M. & C.D.O. | Washington April 7th 1869. States that the "Herald" of Portland, Oregon has been removed from the advertising list of the War Department. | | March 31st 1869 #68. * | Whipple Geo and others. Filed. | New York March24th 1869. Requests Genl. Howard to withdraw his resignation as Com'r of Freedmens Bureau. | | April 15th 1869. #69. | War Department Jno Potts. Ch. Clk. April 15th Referred to C.D.O. | Washington D.C. April 12th 1869 States that the "Evening Commonwealth" published in New York city has been placed on the advertising list of the War Department. |