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808 809 [[3 columned table]] | When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. | | --- | --- | --- | | May 26th 1869. #122. | Whittelsey H.M. C.Q.M. May 26th Referred to C.D.O. approved | Washington May 26th, 1869. Forward a letter of W B Armstrong, late D.O. of La, stating reasons of delay in governing his accounts, and requests that he may be allowed a clerk for two months to enable him to complete them. With remark. After consultation with C.D.O. it has been thougt advisable to furnish Capt Armstrong with one clerk for 2 months to enable him to complete his resume. It is recommended that Col. Beman be authorized to employ the clerk indicated by Capt. A. for the purpose and period stated, at the same salary paid to him before. | | May 31st 1869 #123. | Wording W.E. Disbursing Agent Jany 1st Returned approved. | Beauford, S.C. May 25th 1869. States that Mrs. S.C. Vaughn bought school at Pine Grove, St. Helena Islad, S.C. during months of Nov. and Dec. 168. without compensation, recommends as there is a surplus schoolfund on hand that she be paid $80 for her service. | | May 31st 1869. #124. | Williams H. R. Lieut and D.O. May 31st Returned with instructions to transfer the funds to Geo W Balloch C.D.C. either by draft drawn by some National Bank or by the Freedmen's Savings Bank early Express. | Vicksburg, Miss. May 26th 1869. Reports that the deeds for certain lots of land at Columbus and Holly Springs, Miss. sold by Lt Sunderland, late D.O. have been turned over to the purchasers. The proceeds amounting to $2150.00 is in his possession and desires to be informed as to the disposition of said funds. | | June 1st, 1869 #125. | Williams H.R. Lieut & D.O. June 2d Returned disapproved. | Jackson, Miss May 29th 1869 Desires to retain in this employ. Samuel Rollins cold laborer after May 31st 1869 at $30 per month. | | June 5th 1869 #126. | White Geo L. Clerk &c June 5th Returned E.B.p. 423. Vol 5. | Nashville Tenn. June 1st 1869 Encloses personal report. States that he understands from Cir. letter relative to changes that his services will not be required after May 31st but he has not recd official notice of his discharge: that he desires to be informed if he has been discharged and whether he can be paid cost of transportation to his home: that he will not be able to complete his work in connection with freedman's schools before July 1st 1869. | | June 7th 1869 #127. * | Webster A. Presg. Elder Charleston Dist 1 enclo File | Charleston, S.C. June 3rd 1869. Speaks of Maj. Deane as eminently qualified to fill the position of Dept of Ed for that state. | | June 8th 1869 #128. | War Department June 8th. Returned to War Dept. | Washington May 29th 1869 Refers letter of Post Master Genl stating that the Washington mails for Fort Monroe and Norfolk close dily except Sunday at 12 M. |