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THE DETROIT INSTITUTE OF ARTS OF THE CITY OF DETROIT RICHARD W. READING MAYOR ARTS COMMISSION EDSEL B. FORD, PRESIDENT ALBERT KAHN ROBERT H. TANNAHILL EDGAR B. WHITCOMB COMMISSIONERS W. R. VALENTINER DIRECTOR EDGAR P. RICHARDSON ASSISTANT DIRECTOR CLYDE H. BURROUGHS SECRETARY October 24, 1939 RS Dear Mr. Seligmann: I am glad to hear from you and know that you are back in this country. I shall look forward to seeing your things the next time I come to New York. Mr. Delbos, I am sorry to say, is not a likely prospect for you. He is a very charming gentleman, but is not in a position to collect important works of art. Sincerely, E. P. Richardson E.P. Richardson, Assistant Director. Mr. Rene Seligmann, 3 East 51st Street, New York City.
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Reopened for Editing 2023-09-12 17:14:20 .