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5 EAST 57th STREET NEW YORK 22 NEW YORK December 30, 1955 Dear Dr. Soria: On November 16th I took up your time writing you about a painting "St. Francis" by Zurbaran and not having heard from you, I am wondering whether you have been away from the Michigan State College? However, paramount on my mind at this writing is the fact the owner is requesting me to return the original photograph. With your many duties you may be too busy to get into further details, but meanwhile could you be kind enough to mail the photograph back to me, as I do not wish to be remiss in my duties toward the owner. Thanking you in advance and with the best compliments of the season, Sincerely yours, Germain Seligman Dr. Martin S. Soria, Michigan State College, Department of Art, East Lansing, Michigan. [[right margin]] Soria Michigan S. Coll. [[/right margin]]
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Reopened for Editing 2023-11-20 14:24:15
Reopened for Editing 2023-11-20 14:39:07