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[[stamp]] DUPLICATE [[\stamp]] (FORM NO. 140) CERTIFICATE TO BE INDORSED ON EACH OF THE TRIPLICATE (OR QUADRUPLICATE) INVOICES OF THE MERCHANDISE ACTUALLY PURCHASED I, S. Comfort, C Vice [[stamp]]CONSUL [[\stamp]] the United States at [[stamp]] BOMBAY [[\stamp]], do hereby certify that at [[stamp]] BOMBAY [[\stamp]] on the 22 day of May D. 1895, the within invoice, No. 168, in which are mentioned and described certain* 3 cases shawls, Gold & Silver & Copper & Carthionware &c. [[cut off]]unting, with the charges thereon, to the total sum of Rs 1172-4-5 [[cut off]] produced to me by J. A. Stonehaw in person, who upon declared in writing in my presence that entry of said merchandise was to [[cut off]]de at the port of [[stamp]] NEW YORK [[\stamp]], in the [[cut off]] States of America. [[cut off]] further certify that I am satisfied that the person making the declaration [[cut off]]xed is the person he represents himself to be, and that the price stated [[cut off]] represents the actual market value or wholesale price of the merchan- [[cut off]] in the said invoice in the principal markets of the country at the time [[cut off]] excepting as noted by me upon said invoice, or respecting which I [[cut off]]cial communication to proper authority. [[cut off]]s my hand and seal of office at [[stamp]]BOMBAY [[\stamp]] the day and year aforesaid. S. Comfort [L.S.] C Vice [[stamp]] CONSUL [[\stamp]] of the United States. *Insert a general description of the kinds of merchandise mentioned in the invoice. [[stamp]] RECEIVED JUN 21 ANSWERED [[\stamp]]