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Boston, Dec. 1 1897 189
Mr. Chas. L. Freer

Bought of Bunkio Matsuki,
Importer of Japanese Fine Arts.
380 Boylston Street.
Bill Presented First of Each Month.

[[4 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Oct 23 | 1 Old Gong | 48 00 |   |
|   | 1 Yeshiu Painting 207 | 25 00 |   | 
|   | 2 Teapots @ 1.50 | 3 00 | House Exps. | 
|   | A Teapots | 20 |   |
|   | Express paid | 75 |   |
|   |   | $76.95 [[strikethrough]] 78 [[/strikethrough]] |   |


In full of the above account.
Dec 13th 1897  Bunkio Matsuki