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#33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan,
October 21st, 1901.

Dear Mr. Moore:--

Replying to your kind note of the 18th instant, I am very anxious, indeed, to make that long-wished-for visit with you to the Waggmann collection in Washington, and, if my memory serves me right, you said that some Sunday would be entirely agreeable, both to you and Mr. Waggmann. Now, how would one week from next Sunday suit, that is, November 3rd.? If this date will be agreeable both to yourself and Mr. Waggmann, it will suit me entirely. Let me hear from you.

Your description of the Hibashi by Korin is rather startling. Thus far, I have seen only one piece of pottery by Korin, and that is a small hanging flower vase, bearing his signature in lacquer, which is in my own collection, and the authenticity of which I have always questioned. I am informed however, by good authority, that Korin did some wonderful things in pottery, and I am glad that it has been your good fortune to have so fine a specimen.

Will write you more fully about details of our trip to Washington, after you shall have definitely fixed the date.

Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer

Rufus K. Moore, Esq.,
#33 Union Square, New York City.