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I promptly replied as follows:--

"Cowan, Edinburg. Accept offer the two Whistlers. Will write and remit next Monday."
signed, Freer.

On my return to Detroit yesterday, I found your valued letter of November 1st, and appreciate your kindness in giving me the first opportunity to purchase these two Whistlers.
Enclosed herewith, I take pleasure in handing you Exchange on London, payable to your order for Two Thousand, Four Hundred Pounds, in payment of the pictures above mentioned. 

Will you be good enough to forward these pictures to Mr. William S. Marchant, of Messrs. William Marchant & Company, Goupil Gallery, #5 Regent Street and #10 Charles Street, Waterloo Place, London, S. W., with the request that he forward the same to me at Detroit. I have known Mr. Marchant for some little time, and have had business transactions with him. He understands about securing the necessary consular invoice, etc., etc., in such matters, and I have written him to-day, asking him to attend to the matter for me.

May I inquire if it it is your intention to dispose of other of your paintings by Mr. Whistler, for instance, the Piano