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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
November 12th, 1901.

Dear Mr. McBride:--

I have just returned to Detroit after visiting Washington, Boston and New York, and am glad to know that the specimens from my collection, and bill for same, went to you during my absence.

During my recent trip, while in Japanesque quarters, I kept my eyes open for things which I thought would answer for additional Christmas gifts, and am sorry to say that I did not find very many things. There was practically nothing in Boston of a suitable nature. There were a few things at Moore's in New York, but his prices are extremely high. At Yamanaka's in New York, I met with better success, and I laid aside there, subject to your approval, about a dozen pieces. They will be shown to no one until the time of our arrival. They have now in transit several lots, among which we will probably find a few good things. Matsuki of Boston also expects a few more things to arrive before the first of December. 

As soon as you can determine your plans, let me know when you can go to New York. The last week of November or the first week of December will suit me all right.

With kind regards, 
Yours very truly, 
Charles L Freer

W. J. McBride, Esq.,
St Louis, Mo.