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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Mich.,
November 25th, 1901.

My dear Mr. Griffith:--
A few days ago, Miss. Leonard asked me to attend the meeting to be held at the Museum of Fine Arts to-morrow, Tuesday evening, and in the event of my being unable to do so to send a letter stating my views of the subject to be discussed. I now find that it will be impossible to be with you to-morrow evening, and regret that, although I have received and read your circular letter, I do not think that I know enough about the plan proposed to have thoughts upon it of any particular value. However, if the impressions I have of the matter are worthy of any consideration, I would advise that very careful thought be given to the propriety of attaching to the Museum associations or societies other than those devoted exclusively to the advancement of the Fine Arts.

Query--what is the legitimate work of the Museum, and what field shall it eventually occupy?

Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer

A. W. Griffith, Esq.,
Director of Detroit Museum of Fine Arts,