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appear before his Lordship where I was informed that he diregarded the setlement of Capt. Sturgis also my contract & mortgage and hooted at the name of civil authorities and threatened to take the cotton by Military force without paying me anything unless I submitted to his decision which he said was made to suit the wishes of the Negroes, as he had brought himself under obligation to them to do so before he left. Which was to pay nothing for loss time as per contract $159.00 One third of case advanced for labor furnished in ginning the crop charged 38.00 For rations sold the hands in good faith 51.00 $248.00 This act was approved by Capt. Sturgis without hesitation. Now to avoid a conflict and the chance of having my place sacked and burned I have submitted to this outrage have delivered to Porter order 24 bails cotton but have yet enough at my gin to pay my act which he P. well knows in Legal, just & honest. I most respectfully submit this matter to your judgment. You will please inform me by telegraph at "my expense" whether I am to be paid the above amt as ordered by Capt. Sturgis or not, or whether I am to retain the cotton until you are satisfied that I have made a correct statement. Most Respectfully & truly Your Obt Servt T. J. Moore