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#33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan, 
July 19th, 1904.

Wm. S. Marchant, Esq.,
Goupil Gallery,

My dear Sir:--
Your cablegram came this morning, reading:--
"Japanese screen victory.  Could you cable money?"
and in reply, I at once wired you:
"Delighted. Cabling funds to-day."
which I now confirm.

I have cabled you through the State Bank of this city and the International Banking Company the sum of £ 3,000, which will put you in funds to pay Lord Battersea for "The Gold Screen."

Please ship the picture to me by American Express in bond to Detroit as usual. As there is no duty on the picture, a valuation of £500 thereon would be ample. The picture need not be insured.

After the picture is shipped, kindly send me your bill for commission, packing and consular invoice, including all expenses of every kind.