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#33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan,
July 21st, 1904.

My dear Miss. Palmer:--

Your good letter of the 18th instant is received, and last evening the portrait in pastel came safely. I am, of course, greatly pleased to have the privilege of examining the portrait, and thank you for your courtesy in the matter.

In some way, I had got an impression that the portrait had been done by Mr. Whistler himself, but your letter set me straight on this point, and, of course, when I came to realize that Mr. Whistler could not have been over fourteen years old at the time the portrait was done, it was then impossible for him to have worked with the degree of excellence shown in the portrait. It seems to be very life-like and interesting.

Will you kindly let me know at what price you would be entirely willing to sell the picture? I think it would add a note of real interest to my collection. I am called East, and shall be in Boston on Monday next, the 25th instant. My address there will be in care of the Touraine Hotel, and if you will kindly drop me a line to that address, letting me know the sum you would like to receive for the picture, I will give you a very prompt reply.

With all good wishes, I remain,
Yours very sincerely,
Charles L Freer

Miss. Emma W. Palmer,
Stonington, Ct.