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#915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan,
July 26th, 1904.

Dear Mr. Freer:-
The enclosed telegram from Mr. Canfield, was received this afternoon at 2:15, and I did not repeat it to you at Monadnock, fearing that in your changing about, it would miss you, and therefore, concluded to hold it until sending off to you, my afternoon letter. 

You will also find enclosed herewith, the following numbered letters received to-day:-

No. 15. Postmarked Evanston, Ill.
No. 16. From Mr. Saint-Gaudens, Windsor, Vermont

The Butler reports everything alright at the house, as are things here at the office.

The weather is cool and very pleasant.

Trusting you find things in good shape at the farm, I remain, 

Yours very truly,
JM Kennedy

Charles L. Freer, Esq.,
Care, The Berkshire Inn,
Great Barrington,