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#33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan, 
August 1st, 1904.

My dear Mr. Bing:--
I returned to-day from a short visit to the New England Hills, and I am taking advantage of this early opportunity to reply to your kind letter of the 19th ultimo.

Before my departure, Professor Fenollosa and myself spent nearly two weeks with a photographer in trying to get good photographs of some of the things in my collection.  The photographer, immediately after taking the negatives, found himself pretty well worn out, and was compelled to stop work for a while and take a vacation.  He will return before very long, and will then begin printing proofs from the negatives.  As soon as the proofs are ready, I will send forward copies to Messrs. Migeon and Isaac in your care, and I shall ask you to do me the favor of seeing them safely in the hands of the gentlemen for whom they are intended.

I notice with pleasure your intention to devote your time in the future quite exclusively to Oriental Art Antiquities, and I wish you every success in this field, in which you are so very familiar and expert.
I notice, too, that your new address is Rue St. Georges,