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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
August 2nd, 1904.

My dear Miss. Palmer:--
The little brochure concerning the Peacock Room, issued by Messrs. Obach & Company of London, have just reached me, and I am sending you a copy along with my compliments, which I hope you will accept. It may be of some interest to yourself and your friends, and you are at liberty to make any use you please of it, except permitting it to fall into the hands of newspaper reporters.
The last illustration in the little book shows the room as it was during the Leyland time, with "The Princess" in position over the mantle, and the specimens of porcelain placed upon the shelves.

With kind regards,
Yours very sincerely,
Charles L Freer

Miss. Emma W. Palmer,
Stoninton, Ct.

I have a copy of the New York Herald
containing the illustrated article on the
Peacock Room.