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things is startling. One pair of Hokusai screens is marked six thousand dollars, and a few other items have correspondingly ridiculous prices. However, when the cases are received, I shall look them through carefully, but, at the prices named, I shall certainly decline to buy a single specimen.

In a letter just at hand from Matsuki, he claims to have found some very remarkable things, and says he has purchased them with the money I sent, along with a special credit which he has received from Mr. Kiohei Makoshi, President of the Imperial Commercial Bank of Tokio. His letter runs as follows:--

"I shall be in possession of tremendous Motonobu, a big, fine, noble specimen. Very great, perhaps greatest, Chodensu, portrait of Monju. Magnificent Gwanki's work, portrait of Priest Riozan. Riokai's figures and other extraordinary pictures."

No shipment of Matsuki's things has as yet been made, neither do I know what time to expect him here.

Trusting you are keeping very well, and with cordial greetings to yourself and Mrs. Fenollosa, I remain,

Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer

Professor Ernest F. Fenollosa,
Mobile County, Ala.