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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
August 8th, 1904.

Alexander Reid, Esq.,
#117 & 121 West George Street,

My dear Sir:--
Your letter of July 30th, also the package of letters which accompanied it, came during my absence in New England. I am glad to have the correspondence, and I thank you for including the several letters from Boston and Philadelphia concerning the exhibition of Mr. Whistler's pictures.
In the lot you loaned me the day I was in Glasgow, to take with me to London for examination, there was a letter from Albert Moore, addressed to you, written, I think, in 1892, offering to sell to you the painting by Mr. Whistler, entitled "Trafalgar Square, at a price, I think, of about £90. It then struck me as an item of interest in connection with the prices then prevailing for Mr. Whistler's pictures, and I am wondering if you would be willing to let me have the original letter, or, if not, would you kindly favor me with a copy thereof.
The two letters - one from Mr. Whistler and the other from Mrs. Whistler - which you enclosed in a separate envelope