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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
August 13th, 1904.

My dear Mr. Eyre:--
Let me thank you for your good letter of the 11th instant.

In the event of our being called upon by the Fire Department to omit the use of shingles on the new roofs to be built, I agree with you that it would be wise to re-cover the old stable roof with whatever material we may eventually select for the new parts. So, if you will kindly have this thought in mind when looking into special shingle tiles, it would expedite the work. I should hate to change the roof on the main house. Its color is very beautiful as it is, and the cypress shingles are proving to be very durable. However, all this can come up for later discussion.

I am much interested in your remarks concerning the progress you are are making with the new plans and the influence which having its effect in your designing.

I have no expectation of visiting New York in the near future. I have a great deal of work now being followed up in connection with my collections, and I want to get as far along with it as possible before the days grow too short; so, whenever you have