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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
August 15th, 1904.

H. Sotome, Esq.,
#231 Post Street,
San Francisco, Cal.

Dear Sir:--
I have received a letter from Mr. Kobayashi, telling me of two shipments of paintings made by him, cosigned to my care in this city.
He also tells me that he will sail from Yokohama vis S.S. "Corea" on August 24th.
I am sending you this line, to inform you of the safe receipt of the first two cases of paintings. The second shipment has not yet arrived. As soon as the latter comes, I will advise you of its receipt. I trust you will deliver this information to Mr. Kobayashi promptly upon his arrival in San Francisco.
I suppose you will be in San Francisco at the time of his arrival, and, if so, please request Mr. Kobayashi to telegraph me what day I may expect him in Detroit.
Thanking you in advance, I remain,

Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer