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Doctor James Sanders USA Post Surgeon at Mount Pleasant Titus County Texas being called and sworn, testified as followes
(to wit)
Quarter Master Sergt Clement H Pearson deceased now being before me and body of [[strikethrough]] Srgt Pea[[/strikethrough]] I having examined the body of Sergnt Pearson and find a gun shot wound, ball taking effect in the left temple ranging backwards and coming out from about three inches from the place of entrance, He has also a gun shot wound in the right brest, ball penetrating the cavity ranging backward and to the left, which wound in my opinion is the cause of this death, the ball having entered between the fifth to sixth ribs-

Signed J Sanders
Sworn to and subscribed before  me this 3rd day of March AD 1868
Samuel Boynton J.P.

I Samuel Boynton a justice of the Peace in and for Titus county do certify that the above and foregoing statement is a true copy of the evidence given before me at an inquest held over the body of Srngt Clemant H Pearson by Doct James Sanders USA surgeon on the day and [[strikethrough]]date[[/strikethrough]] year above written - 

Samuel Boynton J.P.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-23 18:33:03