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P.S. Tom Way's two great sketches of Chinese jars with flowers by Whistler, are also in my spoils of the present raid.

The Coburg Hotel,
Carlos Place,
Grosvenor Square.W.

Sept. 26th/07.

Dear Colonel Hecker:

The voyage eastward was delightful --- the finest steamer, finest weather and as good companionship owing to the presence of Stanley McGraw (Tom's eldest son) as one could desire.

Since arrival I have not had an idle half hour. The British Museum, South Kensington Museum, Miss Birnie Philip, Miss Nordlinger, a trip to Petersfield in the South of England, another to Newcastle in the North of England, the acquirement of a long-wished for Whistler oil --- "The Little Green Cap" --- one of his excessively rare lithographs, and the beginning of negotiations and the examination of Colonel Hanna's Indo-Persian collection has all been done.

Tomorrow, I am to visit the collections of Sir Wm. Eden - of Baronet and Butterfly fame - and of Madame M - both Whistlerian!

On Saturday, I go to Paris for three days - carrying in my pockets, invitations from Mons. Migeon and his friends for sufficient entertainment to consume three weeks.

Today, I took luncheon at the United University Club, with Messrs. Whibley and Wilson both of whom send kindest messages to you.

As per my cablegram of today, I have arranged for passage homeward on the Lusitania sailing from Liverpool, Oct. 5th.

I think that I shall visit West Point and Boston after arrival in New York and before starting for Detroit, so as to conclude all in connection with the Whistler memorial. I also have agreed to a conference in Paris with Mr. George Vanderbilt in connection with the same matter. The ladies of Mr. Whistler's family are greatly pleased with St. Gauden's memorial.

The Hanna collection far surpasses in importance in all directions, my deepest hopes. I am amazed that it should have been on the market nearly twenty years without finding a buyer. It is doubtless unique in the world. Another like the Corean! I know nothing of the pecuniary value of Indo-Persian paintings