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R.M.S. Assonan
June 27th, 1906.

My dear Colonel Hecker, 
This good luck which stood by me so faithfully has run away at last!

The sculptures mentioned in a previous letter, were finally bargained for at a certain price, delivery to be including the danger of confiscation by the Turkish officials and breakage in transit. I pay £100 down at time of agreement, the balance after receipt of the sculptures in London. It was a risky piece of business, in fact, a gamble, the uncertainties of which I know enough about, but if I had won, the prizes would have been great!! So, I took my chances and lost! The owner transported the sculptures from Damascus to Haifa (a seaport) in safety, but in attempting to ship them from that place, they were seized by the government officials and now, I feel sure, the game is lost.
I bought in Aleppo and elsewhere other beautiful things and they must all run similar risk! If however, I save fifty per cent of my purchases, I shall be entirely satisfied. 

The methods employed by the native dealers for getting things out of the Empire are daring and devilish; fortunately, I am in no wise involved except as a buyer - having nothing to do with shiping etc., etc.

Before taking steps I advised with our consuls and through their advice I kept out of the fire. I fear the chap from whom I bought the sculptures is now behind the bars. It is his second offence! But he is rich and a regular Buffalo-Bill-type of person and can buy or fight his way out of jail, I imagine.
I have no particulars of the seizure beyond a telegraph message directly from the seller, sent me in care of the American Consulate at Alexandretta which reached me by mere chance. 

I am travelling on a small coasting steamer going from