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Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1908
Measures of early B plates, 2nd meas.
Time 22:45
|1 1/2 inch eyepiece|[[symbol-check mark]]B11196|B9640|B11134 (3rd. measure)|
|   |10.4|10.9|10.6|
|   |[[symbol-check mark]]B5402|   |Reject meas. 10.3 for B11134|
|   |11.1|   |   |
|   |[[symbol-check mark]]B11437|   |   |
|   |10.8|   |   |
|   |[[symbol-check mark]]B12543|   |   |
|   |10.3|   |   |
|   |[[symbol-check mark]]B12911|   |   |
|   |11.1|   |   |
|   |[[symbol-check mark]]B11134|   |   |
|   |10.7|   |   |
|   |B12802|   |   |
|   |N.S.|   |   |
|   |>d=0.0|   |   |
|   |B3420|   |   |
|   |10.3|   |   |
|   |B3477|   |   |
|   |10.4|   |   |
Time 23:05

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-23 04:45:37