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915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan,
February 20th, 1908

Mr Watson M, Freer,
Kingston, N. Y.

Dear Mr. Freer:
I have to apologize [[strikethrough]] to you [[/strikethrough]] for the delay in sending the Bond Record to you. But I have been hoping I might find a book smaller than the kind carried by Richmond & Backus and the other leading stationers in town. I am unable, however, to find anything smaller than the book I am sending you by mail to-day. It is quite complete though, and hope it will answer your needs, though I fancy I see you laugh at the size of it. How much better if made in a book half its size.

Yes, these financial disturbances have affected this locality as well as others, but things seem to be settleing down generally. A heavy fall of snow - the worst this Winter - came to us yesterday. And Col Hecker who went out of town for a day or two, was obliged to wait three hours for his train.

I have a telegram from Mr. Freer saying he will be home in the morning

Very truly yours,
JM Kennedy