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33 Ferry Ave., 
Detroit, March 4, '08

Friend Bixby:-
On my return from Washington and New York this morning, I found your good letter of February 29th, and I want to thank you for your kind co-operation in the proposed exhibition of Chinese and Japanese art. I felt it would interest you from the start, and to have so encouraging a letter from you is really great help. 

The movement is growing daily along the best possible lines, I must tell you, confidentially, that I laid the matter before President Roosevelt on Friday last, and he commends the plan and has kindly consented to act personally on the honorary committee. He also volunteered to allow the names of two of his principal cabinet officers as well. The Japanese members of the honorary committee will also come from the highest Japanese families. So you see, we must run all the preliminary work upon well thought out lines. 

I think that we can hold the first meeting of the central committee sometime the latter part of next week, and I sincerely hope that both yourself and Mr. Ives will attend the meeting. It will occur in New York, probably at one of the principal hotels, perhaps the Plaza. At this meeting a permanent organization will be effected, and the ways and means and