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Mr. Caffin-

lamp light. Right here, let me say, that the lantern sent from New York, we found of very little value. We used it on two evenings, the management thereof being left to Mr. Baylis. At the last trial we ran forty-nine slides, the total finished at that time, through the New York lantern with very disappointing results; immediately thereafter, we ran the same slides through the Detroit lantern and to our delight, obtained very satisfactory projections, in fact, a number of the slides which seemed worthless when used with the New York lantern, we found of excellent quality when shown with the Detroit lantern. The New York lantern will be returned to the Lumeire people this morning. Experiments convinced Mr. Coburn and myself, that in order to obtain the best results from the color slides, important care is necessary in the choice and operation of the lantern; but all this, Mr. Coburn will explain to you verbally when you two meet some day this week.
Of the sixteen 5x7 plates, seven were tried in a borrowed camera by Mr. Coburn, but he was entirely dissatisfied with the results obtained. In the first place, the camera did not satisfy Mr. Coburn and he felt that further experiments in that direction would be only a waste of time, so he returned to the use of his own camera and the smaller plates, using every one of the latter which he brought with him, numbering in all, I believe one hundred and sixty plates. Mr. Coburn will take with him to New York the color slides, and, I trust, that after you have examined them, you will favor me with your opinion of them.