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July 19/97.

My dear Mr. Keppel:
I am under obligation again to your contributions to my Whistler collection, to which you have so often generously added. I think the Jubilee sketch of Trafalgar Square exceedingly funny. I was also much pleased to receive the copy of the "Fall Mill Gazette" containing the article of American Locomotives. It is a curious fact that English railway engineers will not accept as true many of the truly marvelous feats accomplished by American locomotives during the last two years.

Personally I believe that one of the most important business matters now before the American public is that of improved methods of freight transportation, and it will perhaps astonish you to know that to-day iron ore is really being transported from the mines at the head of Lake Superior to the furnaces of Pittsburgh at a reduction of practically 50% less than the lowest rates never-before known, and the transportation companies confess that at even these low rates they are not losing money. With the same improvement introduced in transportation between the Pittsburgh furnace districts and the Atlantic seaboard, this country will soon command a large percentage of the trade in iron and steel now enjoyed by England. I wonder if our English cousins will not soon realize that at least a few of the statements concerning our transportation matters are worthy of second thought.

I hope you are enjoying the pleasant summer and trust that you will bring with you as usual a lot of choice things for your various customers,
Yours very truly,
Charles L. Freer.

Mr. Frederick Keppel
6 Buckingham St., The Strand.
London, Eng.

Transcription Notes:
3 [[?]]s Got 2 of them but I cannot figure out what that last word of the address is