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December 14th, 1897.

My dear Mr. Tryon:

I have been home a couple of days, but during the time have been so extremely busy I found it impossible to give personal attention to shipping the picture to you, but Mr. Aikman will arrange with Hanna and Noyes to ship it to-morrow. It will be sent to Budworth of New York with instructions to take it out of the box and take the picture to your studio and hold the box at their place, so that if in the end it comes back to Detroit, the box for packing will be at Budworth's and you will be relieved of all the trouble of unpacking and packing. If the other picture is completed in time, I fancy you will decide to sent it to Mr. Thomas if it is not, I presume you will send the one I am forwarding. I inclose herewith a card which I wish you would tack to the back of the frame before the picture is delivered. Mr. Thomas' address is as follows:

E.B. Thomas
175 West 56th Street, New York City.

Of course, if I am to have the new picture, I do hope that you will feel that you are not to hurry its completion beyond your own desires. I wish also, that you would send me a bill for it, so that I can take it into account before the first of January.

I am leaving for New York to-night and hope to see you before I return, but I cannot state positively whether I will be able to do so or not, because of the fact that I go for the express purpose of meeting some [partias?] from Baltimore, who come to New York to meet me and after our conference, which will last a few hours, I may find it necessary to go to Baltimore.

I think you fully understand axactly how I feel concerning the

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