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40 Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A. Lands. Hd. Leg. Assistant Commissioner State of Virginia Richmond, Va. April 1st, 1867. Special Orders } No. 41 } [[left margin]] Genl. Howard Capt. Connolly Maj. Stone [[/left margin]] I . . . . . Brevet Captain D.J. Connolly, Assistant Superintendent Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands of Lunenberg County is hereby invested with the same authority and jurisdiction as a Justice of the Peace of said County under the laws of Virginia in civil and criminal cases in court this right of the Freedmen are involved and with the additional authority to remove such cases from the jurisdiction of the Justices of the Peace of said County whether acting singly or in bodies composing the examining of County Courts, whenever in his opinion such action is necessary to secure justice to the Freedmen. [[left margin]] Genl. Howard Capt. Connolly Maj. Stone [[/left margin]] II . . . In cases adjudicated under this order either party will be allowed an appeal to such military tribunal as may hereafter be ordered for the hearing of the same under the rules which govern appeals from the judgement of Justices of the Peace of County Courts as provided by the laws of Virginia. [[left margin]] Genl. Howard Capt. Connolly Maj. Stone [[/left margin]] III . . . All cases of which cognizance is taken under the order the final adjudication of which is by the laws of Virginia beyond the jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace will be forwarded to these Head Quarters for trial before such military tribunal as may be ordered for that purpose. [[left margin]] Genl. Howard Capt. Connolly Maj. Stone [[/left margin]] IV . . . In exercising the authority hereby conferred, Captain Connolly will be governed by the laws of Virginia except where the same have been modified by the laws of the United States. A full record will be kept of all cases trial number this order and a certified copy forwarded to these Head Quarters on the last day of each month. (Sgd) O. Brown Bvt: Brig: Genl. Vols [[?]] Asst. Comr. 41 [[strikethrough]] First District [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] Head Quarters Department of the Potomac, [[/strikethrough]] Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands. Richmond, Va., April 1st 1867. [[note]] Head Qrs. Asst Comr [[?]][[note]] Special Orders. } No. 41.} I . . Brevet Captain D.J. Connolly, assistant Superintendent Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands of Lunenberg County is hereby invested with the same authority and jurisdiction as a Justice of the Peace of said County under the laws of Virginia in civil and criminal cases in which the rights of the Freedmen are involved and with the additional authority to remove such cases from the jurisdiction of the Justices of the Peace of said County whether acting singly or in bodies composing the Examining of County Courts, whenever in his opinion such action is necessary to secure justice to the Freedmen. II . . In cases adjudicated under this order either party will be allowed an appeal to such Military Tribunal as may hereafter be ordered for the hearing of the same under the rules which govern appeals from the judgements of Justices of the Peace of County Courts as provided by the laws of Virginia. III . . All cases of which cognizance is taken under this order the final adjudication of which is by the laws of Virginia beyond the jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace
Transcription Notes:
Printed paper is a copy of written records on pg. 40
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