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[[preprinted]] 137 [[/preprinted]]
|1358|1249|1258|920|927|8.62, 8.63|   |
|1342|626|637|468|475|7.18, 7.20|   |
|1346|1200|1202|893|894|8.53, 8.54|   |
|1353|1018|[[strikethrough]] 10 [[/strikethrough]]996|753|[[strikethrough]] 810 [[/strikethrough]]735|8.07, 8.04|   |
|1400|831|-|594|-|   |420|
|1401|1287|1282|918|916|8.60, 8.60|   |
|1404|1048|1022|745|728|8.05, 8.00|   |
|1493|1007|1018|674|682|7.80, 7.83|   |
|1409|1086|1067|772|758|8.14, 8.09|   |
|1409|1158|-|822|-|   |   |
|1397|1251|1226|895|877|8.54, 8.48|   |
|1492|1334|1357|895|909|8.54, 8.57|   |
|1400|1337|-|953|-|   |   |
|1388|372|-|268|-|   |627|
|1389|1269|-|914|-|   |   |
|1393|501|458|361|330|6.88, 6.73|   |
|1383|1230|-|889|-|   |   |
|1379|1099|-|797|-|   |765|
|1369|1122|-|821|-|   |   |
|1333|1157|1198|868|898|8.46, 8.54|   |
|1341|1136|1101|847|822|8.38, 8.32|   |
|1330|[[strikethrough]] 11 [[/strikethrough]]087|1[[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]]142|[[strikethrough]] 1009 [[/strikethrough]]860|8.[[strikethrough]] 53 [[/strikethrough]]30, 8.44|   |
|1368|16|-|12|-|   |   |
|1340|48|-|36|-|   |   |
|1366|106|-|77|-|   |   |
|1398|198|-|142|-|   |   |
|1355|251|-|185|-|   |   |
|1309|359|-|274|-|   |   |
|1361|618|-|455|-|   |   |
|1399|802|-|573|-|   |   |
|1409|1088|-|773|-|   |   |

Transcription Notes:
headings not correct: |---| etc remove footer remove color tags remove [[checkmark]] Reopened for Editing 2024-07-27 15:40:22 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-28 22:35:14