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22 L.R. M. 106.- Johnson James Maj & Supt 8/ Baily S. P. Marshall A. Cold Rec'd Back April 13th/66 Bureau RF & AL H'd Qrs Supt 7th Dist Va Lynchburg Va April 12"/66 Respty returned to Col. O. Brown Asst Com'r. These children were bound on the 30th of Aug 1865. to Mr Bayly by Lieut A. S. Dial. The mother and children were inmates of Govt Hospitals here for several months — drawing Govt support which was given at intervals. also to the father (Marshall) Mr Bayly hired the mother for twelve (12) months at fifty dollars ($50.) and paid R.R. fare of herself and the four children from this City to Fauquier Co. The father (Marshall) was cognizant of the whole transaction and at the time gave it his approval. The mother was considered as a freedwoman of superior intelligence and merit and was anxious to get back to her former home in Fauquier Co. This Marshall evidenced here no disposition to make provision for the family beyond a desire to have them return to Fauquier Co and certainly disremembers his course here in intimating that the mother acted without his full knowledge and assent. (Sgd) R, S, Lacy [[Lacey]] Capt AQM & Supt Bureau RF & AL H'd Qrs Asst Com Va Richmond Va April 14th/66 Respty returned to Maj James Johnson Supt These children being indentured with the knowledge and consent of father and mother, no further action will be taken in the case. By order of Col O Brown Asst Comr James A Bates Capt & AAAG 23 L.R. S. 85. 2d Vol. 1866. War Dept Bureau &c Bureau RF & AL H'd Qrs Asst Com'r Va Richmond Va April 14"/66 Respty forwarded to Maj Genl O. O. Howard Commissioner recommending that two of the Barracks about to be sold at Chimborazo Hospital be turned over to this Church. (Sgd) O. Brown Col & Asst Comr Official James A. Bates Capt & AAAG Rec'd Back April 28"/66 & Filed with "W. 404." see L.B. 4. V. [[P?]] 704. L.R. M. 264. 2d Vol 1866. Merrell H. S. Lt & Supt Richmond Va April 14th 1866 Respty returned to Lieut H. S. Merrell who will at once take prompt measures to contradict these statements through the Richmond Press, (Sgd) O. Brown Col & Asst Asst Official James A Bates Capt & AAAG L.R. A. 114. 2d Vol. 1866. Merrell H.S. Lt & Supt Quarles Rose cold Bureau RF & AL H'd Qrs Asst Comr Va Richmond April 14"/66 Respty referred to Lt H. S. Merrell Supt 3d Dist, who will cause the arrest of the within named Rosa Quarles By order of Col. O. Brown Asst Comr James A. Bates Capt & AAAG L.R. M. 265. 2d Vol. 1866. Merrell H. S. Lt & Supt Bureau RF & AL H'd Qrs Asst Comr Va Richmond April 14"/66 Respty returned to Lt H. S. Merrell Supt The enclosed papers are incomplete — full instructions have already been furnished you in regard to making out these papers. By order of Col. O. Brown James A. Bates Capt & AAAG
Transcription Notes:
It is my first time transcribing. Someone please look over this and correct or add anything I missed.
"Cold" is an abbrev. for "Colored."
"H'd Qrs" = Head Quarters
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