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NARA 547 GENERAL ORDERS No. 55. WAR DEPARTMENT, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, June 25, 1872. I.. Pursuant to the provisions of the "Act [General Nature—No. 133] making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1873, and for other purposes," approved June 10, 1872, the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands will be discontinued from and after June 30, 1872, and, after that date, all business relating in any way to the said Bureau—exclusive of the Freedmen's Hospital and Asylum at Washington—with all the accounts and claims connected therewith, of whatever character or date, or whensoever incurred, will be conducted through the Adjutant General of the Army, to whom all the records, checks, and treasury certificates (received under section I of the act of March 29, 1867), or the amounts received therefrom, and all other funds, papers, and property, will be delivered by the first of July proximo, at such place as the Adjutant General may designate. II.. After June 30, 1872, all business relating in any way to the "Freedmen's Hospital and Asylum at Washington, D. C.," with all the accounts connected therewith, of whatever character or date, will be conducted through the Surgeon General of the Army. to whom all the records, papers, funds, and property will be turned over by the first of July proximo. III.. The Adjutant General and Surgeon General will arrange, promptly, for the execution of this order, and after the transfer, submit for the action of the Secretary of War such regulations as may be necessary for the future transaction of the business. Agents, clerks, and other employes, whose services may not be required by the Adjutant General and Surgeon General in effecting the transfer, will be discharged June 30; all others as soon as the transfer shall have been completed. IV.. The following are the portions of the act of Congress under which the foregoing is ordered: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects hereinafter expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, viz: For collection and payment of bounty, prize-money, and other legitimate claims of colored soldiers and sailors, viz: For salaries of agents and clerks; rent of offices, fuel, and lights; stationery and printing; office
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