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NARA 0579 (Form 41.) MEMORANDA. Case of Virgil E. Bogan, guardian of Caroline Harris minor child of William Harris late _________ Co. ____ U.S.C.___ Residence Franklin, Simpson Co, Ky. Witnesses P.B. Dunn & J.L. Sanford Residence Simpson Co. Ky. Papers presented Letter of Notif'n & Affidavits William Enlisted - When Sept. 1864 Where Bowling Green, Ky. By whom ________________ Period 3 years. Mustered - When _________ Where ________________ By whom ________________ Description - Where born Simpson Co, Ky. Age about 25 30 years. When enlisted Occupation Deputy Sheriff Eyes Hazel Hair Brown Complexion fair Height 6 feet 1 inches. Discharged, or died at ______________ On the ______ day of ______ ,18__ Commanding Officer _______________________ First Sergeant _________________________ Enlisted about the same time and place. REMARKS. William Harris was a slave of Mrs. Nancy Harris of Simpson Co, Ky. when he Enlisted. Witnesses on app'n Zachariah Hayden and Wade Baird. Howes, agent.
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