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0170 1 Bureau of Refugees, Freedman and Abandoned Lands, Head Quarters Assistant Commissioner, District of Virginia. Richmond, Va, September 1st 1867. Bvt. Brig: Gen'l O. Brown Asst. Commissioner, General, The Board of Officers appointed by S. O. No. 76. Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commr. Dist. of Va dated Richmond Va July 9th 1867 for the purpose of establishing the rent of buildings &c used by the Bureau respectfully reports in reference to the property described as follows: Located at Petersburg Dinwiddie Co. Va Size - Numbers of Rooms - two Heating apparatus - none The purpose for which the same is rented is for use as Freedmans School. The name of the owner Thos. Scott and the above mentioned Board establishes the rental value of the same to be $8 00/100 per month
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Reopened for Editing 2024-09-11 08:36:26