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An Illustration of the Surongie sect of Jains was given ante 153, Vol. III., and the present selection is made on account of the high character of the person represented in the Photograph. Rae Doona Chund is a native gentleman of the same Jain sect as Shadi Seth above alluded to, and, like him, is a banker and merchant of great respectability. In the year 1857 he proved his devotion to the British Government by eminently useful services, and the information which he supplied from time to time was of the greatest use in furthering operations against the rebels. For his conspicuous loyalty, therefore, he received from Government a dress of honour and the title of "Rae," as well as the proprietary right in several villages for its support, which will descend to his family. The Photograph represents him in the honorary dress conferred, which is of rich cloth of gold, with a valuable Cashmere shawl disposed over the lower part of his figure. In his turban he wears the "sirpéch," or jewel of gold set with precious stones, which forms an essential part of honorary decoration, and is worn upon the turban only. The whole of the costume is remarkable for splendour and elegance; while the stern, resolute features of the individual, are an index to his course of loyal action, in the trying period in which he took so commendable a part.

   The reader is referred to No. 153 for some particulars of the Jain sect, which it is unnecessary to recapitulate.