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The Rajah is the ruler of a small territory in the Himalaya mountains, north of the hill station of Simla, and is independent, except of the British Government, which exercises a right of general control and advice. Jubal is one of the many small territories which are classed under the denomination of Simla Hill States, and yields a revenue of from £8,000 to £10,000 per annum. After the conquest of the hill states from the Goorkhas in 1815, the reigning Rana of Jubal was confirmed in his existing territorial rights by the following  deed: - 

"Whereas, on the expulsion of the Goorkhas, the whole of the hill territory has come into the possession of the British Government, this Sunnud, agreeably to the orders of the Right Honourable the Governor-General, Lord Moira, received through General Sir David Ochterlony, is granted to Rana Poorun Chund, conferring upon him thakooraee and territory of Jubal, of which he shall hold possession in perpetuity, in the same manner as he did during the time of the Goorkahs. He shall exert himself to serve the Government in the following manner: - 

"1st. He shall employ seventy bégarees in the constant service of the Government throughout the year.

"2nd. No nuzzuranah shall be taken from him.

"3rd. The armed retainers of Jubal shall join the British force on the occasion of a war, and shall not serve any other power.

"Bégarees shall be supplied, when required, for the construction of roads.

"Dated 3rd Ughan, 1872, Sumbhut, corresponding with 18th September, 1815."

In 1852, the present Rajah was a minor; and owing to the maladministration of the property by his father, he was made a ward of Government, and his estate placed under the control of the political agent at Simla, until he attained his majority. It was made contingent also on his fitness for administration, whether the property should even then be made over to him. In this respect, however, the Rajah was