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CONTENTS. No. of SUBJECT or PHOTOGRAPH|TRIBES, CASTE, &C.|LOCALITY.* 201.|MARWARREES; Hindoos, original from Rajpootana|DELHI. 202.|MEWATEES; originally Hindoos, of mixed Creed|Ditto. 203.|BAIRAGEES; Hindoo Mendicants|Ditto. 204.|MEENAS; Low Caste Hindoos|Ditto. 205.|JOGIS; Snake Charmers. Low Caste|Ditto. 206.|FAMINE STRICKEN GROUP|Ditto. 207.|KUNAITS; Hindoos|SIMLA. 208.|RAE DOONA CHUND|Ditto. 209.|PUNDIT JOWALLA NATH|Ditto. 210.|RAJAH OF JUBAL|Ditto. 211.|RANA OF KOTHEE; Hindoo, of Rajpoot Origin|Ditto. 212.|KUNYTS; of mixed Hindoo and Buddhist Creed|Ditto. 213.|KUNYT WOMEN|Ditto. 214.|GOORKHA, BRAHMIN, AND SOOD; Hindoos|Ditto. 215.|CASHMIRI; from Cashmere|Ditto. 216.|SONS OF NADOWN RAJAH; Hindoo Rajpoots|TRANS-SUTLEJ STATES. 217.|KUTOCH AND PUTHANEEA RAJPOOTS; Hindoos|Ditto. 218.|SEEBA RAJAH AND SUITE; Hindoos|Ditto. 219.|A SODHEE; Sikh. Descendant of Govind|Ditto. 220.|RAJAH OF MUNDI AND MINISTERS|Ditto. 221.|SHEIKHS; Mussulmans, formerly Hindoos|Ditto. 222.|ZEMINDAR; a Jat Landholder (Hindoo)|FEROZEPORE. 223.|KUMHARS; Potters (Low Caste Hindoos)|LAHORE. 224.|KHATRIS; Hindoo Traders and Money Lenders|Ditto. 225.|AKALEE; Sikh Devotee|Ditto. 226.|BHABRAS; Jains, from Rajpootana|Ditto. [Footnote: *Under this heading, locality does not always show the place or even the district of birth, though it does so when possible. The text will explain the origin of the difficulty which occurs in certain cases.]