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The Jats, like the Rajpoots, have been already illustrated in several instances, and the reader will find descriptions of them with Plates 148, 151, and 192; but the group here represented is more pretentious in character, and depicts three persons of the upper class, sirdars or chiefs, sitting in a most respectful, but to them, truly uncomfortable manner, with their feet tucked under them, and their swords across their knees. They may be supposed to be seated in the presence of their Rajah, or of some greater person, yet they evidently hold, or at least, perhaps, the centre figure, considerable rank, as proved by the aftab-geer, or sunshade, which no one but a man of rank can have carried before him.  The group is seated on a carpet, and leans against thick heavy pillows, probably covered with velvet, and on the left hand of the left figure stands a small pretty hookah, usually termed goorgoori, with its silver chains, top, bowl, and mouthpiece, as befits a person of rank. Behind them is an embroidered screen, or purdah, which probably covers a door or window, and is commonly used in all good native houses instead of a door.  The bamboos, which are inserted within it, keep it extended, and it can be rolled up from the bottom when necessary. The costumes of the three sitters are studiously plain, and are, perhaps, of quilted cotton and chintz, a favourite and necessary protection in cold weather; and the wearers are fine burly men, particularly the right hand figure.  All Hindoos wear the front piece of the tunic tied on the right shoulder and breast of the tunic, and this is very evident in these persons. The man who holds the aftab-geer is, however, as his dress shows, a Mussulman.

As the Official Report gives no description of this Photograph, it is impossible to state who the picture represents; but the beauty of the Plate renders it an interesting illustration of the fine tribe of Jats. It is probable, however, that they are attached to the state and court of the Maharajah of Bhurtpoor, who is the head of their tribe.
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