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has made a most lame bargain offering him 5/8ths of the proceeds of the Exhibition - pay the expenses for transporting his pictures hither and offered him the privilige of the best lights in the gallery. The consequence is that he will occupy three sides of the room - and we poor devils must be satisfyed to have our pictures stuck in any where!!! Fisher and I are in Considerable Tribulation In Consequence - and have resolved [[underline]] mutually [[/underline]] not to send a picture. unless a material alteration is made. Are there any pictures to be had in New York in Case he & Myself were to get up an Exhibition? we consider this a direct outrage upon our privileges (whether it is designedly done or not I cannot say) and a departure on the part of the Athaeneum from their avow'd intentions  vis [[?]] - to benefit the artists - I need not tell you how much it would be in this "picture dealers" power to damn our pictures if we were to send them there; or how much modern pictures might suffer by being placed in contact with paintings to which age has been adding mellowness and warmth. These things I need not tell you