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Norfolk Dec.r 24th 1819.
Mr Durand.
     By an arrangement with Bishop Moore I am to paint his portrait in Richmond.  I am induced to believe that a very great subscription can be obtained for a print representing this popular gentleman, in this State alone, and important additions Pensylva N. Jersey & New York. In this State I am assured of active agency for this purpose.  Now, Sir, the object of this letter is to ask you if you will engage in the scheme of publishing such a portrait, and share with me the proceeds. If you are willing, the next question is--on what terms?
     I will deliver the portrait to you in N.Y. next Spring. In the mean time I will procure subscribers in Virginia &c on my route homewards in Washington, Baltimore, Phila &c--
     The size which has been mentioned is that of Bishop White. At what price ought such a print to be sold or deliver'd to subscribers? How many inches is that print?
     Your answer to these queries with any other information on the subject, addressed to me in Norfolk -[[strikethrough: two words]] will in case I have gone to Richmond follow me, and I shall be guided by the receit of your letter.

I remain Sir
Your Obed Servt
Wm Dunlap