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[[underline]] "[[H'son]]" [[/underline]] on [[scanning??]] [[securing??]] the maul stick and pallett, I'll attend at "[[oust]]" to little "Wally's" picture, and complete it as soon as possible, say next week,

In regard to the "[[pizen?]]" for roach--tis [[underline]]"French Green"[[/underline]] a very brilliant color, I think the same as "Emerald green" (ask Lantze) it's an impalpable powder, this you scatter so as to leave a light train of color, all along their new ways, your own observation will direct you in this respect, I'd like you to try it, if only to test my Wife's entire confidence in it.

[[underline]]"Clercke"[[/underline]] I've not seen since you left--wonder how he got over that "[[d'venck]]'"!! [[underline]]"over"[[/underline]]
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poor us!! Clark and me, I mean, you're safe, you wd'nt be though if you were here, think so? My kindest regards to yourself and family. My Wife desires particularly to be remembered-- My regards to Lantze, [[superscript]] and McGinn [[superscript]] and Rob for [[underline]] once [[/underline] give some credit for [[promptitude?]] in a reply.

Yours Ever Truly
C.L. Elliott

P.S. Is'nt this fine from John Adams I read it yesterday. 

Human happiness has no perfect security but freedom; freedom none but virtue; virtue none but knowledge; and neither freedom, nor virtue nor knowledge has any vigor, or immortal hope, except in the principles of the Christian faith and in the sanctions of the Christian religion, I would commend the above to Jeff Davis.
[[T.loo? & co]]