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of Ludwick corner of White St and Broadway - the same man who now makes the "[[?]] copal varnish" which Mr Cole considered the only fine copal in use for pictures. But just as I was leaving home I was told that a man by the name of Baldwin in the Bowery near Spring st somewhere was a manufacturer of oil and the very purest and best qualities could be had there.
   Here; as I remarked before, I find no inconvenience, nor difficulty in the working of the colours. I buy Winsor & Newtons colours for about 8 1/4 cents (American money) per tube, except the extra colours.
   If I can be of any service to you in the purchase of colours, or any thing else, please command me.
   Thus far I am spending a very pleasant season here.  I have not found such sudden severe changes in the weather, although generally more moist than at home, it has, as yet not been objectionable, but to the contrary I am improving very much.  I am looking forward to a pair of rosy, round English cheeks, and a comfortable portliness
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