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we always hitched well together as you must know when I tell you for 8 years we never differ.^d more widely than we differed in your presence in my house and we were much together and never spent an hour together that we were not contesting in some shape: so true it is that friends that are well match^d. can always dispute in friendship. When those between whom there are no ^[[true]] chords of affinity but ^[[more]] [[adhere ?]] of love dispute & quarrel in earnest about the merest trifles in argument.--
  But you will think me selfish if I continue longer upon these points-- Then to more general matters - our medical School is in the current full & [[?]]-- all hands so far agree well. Caldwell seems to be alittle horse in his way--his Inaugural is much thought of I think [[old Double head]] in his [[milage?]] of Tuesday quoted him without acknowledging the debt: no matter--The city gazette is pouring out volumes of abuse & criticism against Mr Clay & the Reporter if you have not read them lose no time in doing so--I think the Department of State has got a belly full of anathemas [[strikethrough-unintelligible]] Duane says that Mr. Clay charges John Quincey with a coldness toward the patriot cause and Mr. Quincey charges Mr. Clay with being awriter in the Reporter. and that for his own part he [[verily ?]} believes, they are both right--The [[Chilian?]]Recorder is still fulminating against the President but beyond the blue stocking assocciation I believe his thunders are not heard--. The university has upwards of 200 students I am told within its walls. This looks like going. Everett & [[Marcainno ?]] seem to mend alittle - Everett still soaks it alittle but [[strikethrough: illegible]]; as his belly is his own no one has aright to direct what he shall deposit therein & I [[?]] he would as soon throw in 1st as 4th [[proof]] Keller. Me and mine are all well & your relations & friends are all well--I have nothing to do in painting which is the cause of the blues which ever and anon I think [[?]] around what chance in [Orleans ?]- if any [[miss instant ?]] ^[[&]] all about it [[?]], [?] cable with [[Mr. Vesa]]. 4 days ago-- [[Moley ?]] was well on yesterday. but last night he could not sleep so he got up in the dark and in act of pulling down wood to make afire to read by-- he [[pulled ?]]] as he says a billet. I suppose alog of wood on the middle toe of his right no left foot & so [[wrested]] the nail off. So he on his crutches today & will be for a week no doubt-- I believe all the Independent Banks will  be [[flung]] if to [[?]]will get fat again - this will put an end to his fretting: He is a good fellow--. Mr Smith & [[ --Annette?]] are well and are [[underline]] all all all: [[/underline]] Pray [[misse?]] me soon-- I will write again in afortnight unless [[forbid]] by you-- Peggy is sleep as I said but as I know she would [[?]] [[?]] in love I will represent her & so in my name take all the love of my family my children love you dearly. They [[talk ?]] of often affectionately Deare [[Hart?]] [[M it Isciott?]]