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not heard from one of our friends in Newburgh since I left. I have written to Sam. however & shall expect a return if he is there. If he is in N.Y. will you tell him for me. - I write more particularly at this time to request of you a favour. My friend Billings who is [[strikethrough]] here [[/strikethrough]] with me here & whom you may remember as a constant and [[underlined]] paying [[/underlined]] subscriber to the [["Crayon"?]] has painted a portrait which he wishes to be in the Academy Exhibition [[strikethrough]] look [[/strikethrough]]. Well I am not going to bespeak a puff for it, but to ask you to step round to [[Mengers?]] in Day St. & see that it has a suitable frame, either oval or square as you may think best. - It is forwarded for [[Express?]] Mr. B. will thank you as well as myself for the kindness. 
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 You will see the picture & I would say for my friend that he is the most unassuming of men & is making this his first offering to the Ac [[superscript]] d [[/superscript]] Exhibition.  has been influenced somewhat by my advice.  You will judge for yourself whether or not my [[underlined]] own modesty [[/underlined]] be in this case a saving grace.
Please remember me to my friends. God knows I never felt the want of them more, & for yourself all joy & success while I am as ever & truly yours 
G Fuller

V [[?]] Esq