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[[start page]]
J.W. Glass
Feby 26. '55 [[?]]

[[the following is written over the copy above]]
amongst the finest pieces - it is 
however a pity that he should
continue to represent this class
of subject perhaps - However as
man must paint what he likes
   [[Peales?]] Little Red Riding Hood
is mild & pleasant enough -
   You are aware perhaps
that Will Armitage has given
up art pursuits and joint Family
to superintend his fathers large
iron-works - [[Ned ?]] is in the Crimean 
theater I have great thoughts of
going myself soon - give my
remembrances to Durand
Sincerely yours
JW Glass
[[undecipherable words in lower left corner]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
d 12/22/55 London 26 Feb 1855

My dear [[Stillman ?]]
   I have to thank
you for your letter which I ought
long ago to have answered and
I have still further to thank you
for several numbers of the 
Crayon - which I wish all the
success that you could devise -
   I am apprehensive however
that you will find but a small
public to accept your office for
[[underlined]] teachers [[/underlined]] - the world much prefers 
to be amused- I had intended
[[end page]]