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Dear Sir,
       Parma the 2d of July 1775.  

    The Receipt for Varnish is as follows, Take of the Whitest Gum Sanstrich two pounds to a Gallon of Rectified Spirits of Wine, & to every half Spirit near upon two Spoonfuls of the Balsom of Fir, if you find it too thick add more Spirits of Wine [words blacked out here.]

     The Person Who Superintends the Academy told me a few Days ago a Canvis with an out line on it which he was to keep for Mr Humphry, & That a Mr Carter, George Carter, he heard had sent, to the post a Cloath With an out line, & that he heard he was coming very soon to Copy the Picture of Corregio he asked me if I knew him I told him I did he said Mr Humphry had the prior right, if he intended to come would keep the place for him & asked me if I would write to you to know when you would be here & I promised