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Rondout Oct 25. 1855

Msrs Stillman and Durand


I have just written to Mr Wm Kelly of Rhinebeck soliciting his subscription to The Crayon and asking him to interest himself in getting a few subscribers among his wealthy neighbors which I think he will do if he is not already a subscriber, since he is a patron of the arts. Accompanying the note I sent him one of my copies No. 15 as a specimen which number I wish you would send to me and if you think it worth while three or four numbers for distribution, by which means I think I may be enabled to get a few subscribers. The patrons of art hereabouts are very sparse, but I have some friends in Newburgh and one or two in Kingston who maybe induced to subscribe. I should be very sorry to see The Crayon stop for want of encouragement because it is so exactly the thing we need and its failure may discourage any future attempt for many years. The artists must keep it afloat if not by their money, (of which Heaven knows, as a body they are lamentably deficient) by endeavoring to make it widely known and read. I shall feel it a duty which I owe to art to use my humble endeavors for its encouragement.
Yours very respectfully
Jervis McEntee